Walking for Calm May Update
If you are a regular reader here you will know I haven’t got out as much in May as I would have liked. Plenty of dog walks and walks to work, but very little in the way of long distant hikes or nature walks.
But I have still had my best walking month this year.
Walking for Calm May Update
I am finally on target with my walking again. Although I am still 39 miles short of where I should be. Thankfully longer days, and better weather make things much easier.
- Month Total: 164.97
- Year Total: 586.68
Walking for Calm May Update Highlights
With few highlights to add I won’t bother this month, but you can see some of the images below, where we had a family walk or day out etc.
Walking for Calm May Update Best Photos
In 2018 I am walking 1500 Miles to raise money for CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). You can read more about my goals on the page: Walking for Calm 2018. Please consider donating to my efforts and this amazing charity on my Walking for Calm Just Giving Page.
Please help spread the word about my fundraising by sharing with your friends, via the links below.
Way cool! I gotta link to this. Good job! Keep up the walking.
Love family walks in the nature, When the weather is good we have a Sunday walking tradition at home. We also have a lab, called Buddy, who is always by our side!