What is Geocaching – A guide to your new Hobby

What is Geocaching - Zoe and Bubs in the rain looking for a cache
What is Geocaching – A guide to your new Hobby – Zoe and Bubs in the rain looking for a cache

What is Geocaching – A guide to your new Hobby

In simple terms Geocaching is treasure hunting for the 21st century. You download an app to your smartphone. Either the official Geocaching one or similar. Or use your GPS machine (but I am not sure how that works). Then, use that to track down Caches. Simply select a “cache” you want to look for, there are millions all over the world so bound to be something near you, and then follow the arrow on your device to the location. It really is that simple. At least it is to start with. Things do get tricky after the first stages!

You will need to sign up at Geocache.com, there are free or a paid options. Try it for free first I’d suggest. Although I am sure you will be addicted pretty quickly.

Screen Shots of the iPhone App

Geocaching app showing the map where you can chose which cache to look for
Geocaching app showing the map where you can chose which cache to look for (smiley face means we found it)
App showing direction you need to go and the Distance.
App showing direction you need to go and the Distance.
Compass showing direction to walk and distance.
Compass showing direction to walk and distance.
Cache details (you have to scroll down for description and hints) This is also where you log the cache.
Cache details (you have to scroll down for description and hints) This is also where you log the cache.

Simple As That?

Sounds simple right? And in principle it is. The tricky parts come when you realise some of the hidden caches are tiny! Or require some real work to locate. The caches range from large ammo boxes to tiny, smaller than a thimble, sized canisters. All you have to find them is grid reference and a clue (if you are lucky). The cache (the item you are looking for) can be hidden in easy places, or really tough ones. We found one that was attached to the inside of a bench strut once.

What is Geocaching
What is Geocaching – A guide to your new Hobby

Once you have located the cache you can usually sign a small piece of paper, found inside. And then log it on the app/account you are signed into. Larger caches may often include a little swap (a small toy or trinket that you can swap with something you may be carrying). It’s advised if you plan on geocaching with kids to take a few small toys. That way you can swap without guilt. We use little Lego type men, as they will almost always want to swap something, as it is part of the excitement, you may even be really lucky and find a “Trackable” (more on those later).

Geocaching is Fun

You can spend hours searching for Geocaches. Especially if you find an area rich with them. We had a walk not so long back where we walked around one Milton Keynes estate that was literally surrounded by caches). Part of the thrill comes from the hunt, but part also comes from the secrecy! Yes that’s right don’t make it obvious what you are doing. In fact part of the game is to make sure “muggles” (non geocaching people) don’t see you.

The things you can find are great as well, from the joy at finding a tiny cache, hidden in thick undergrowth (hey when you search an area for 30 minutes actually finding the hidden treasure becomes really rewarding), to the items that may be in the cache.


Little toys are fun for the kids but the real thrill for us oldies is finding a trackable.

A trackable is an item that has been specially brought that has a code which can be tracked. You can see where this little object has come from, and where it has been. You can take this item with the unwritten agreement that you will place it in another cache some distance away, ready for the next finder.

Geocaching Jargon Buster

If you are worried you won’t understand the jargon, like the trackable mentioned, well we can help there too. Read of our 100 Geocaching Terms post for some insight into different terms and phrases used in Geocaching.

You can find out about the sort of fun we have by reading my all Geocaching posts; or have a look at these selected posts (it really is fun for all the family):

Geocaching Campbell Park
Geocaching Cosgrove Canal

What Equipment do you Need?

In reality all you need is your smart phone. This will allow you to find the caches and join the fun, but you might find you want more. We don’t leave the house without a small tube of trinkets to swap out; cheap Lego men from the pound shop; a pen and pencil to write on the, sometimes tiny, log sheets that you’ll find in the caches (you can even buy special stamps if you want).

But that is what makes it fun you don’t really need to be laden with stuff to just have fun. We also carry a few replacement logs or scraps of paper in case we find full or damp logs. And we never go Geocaching without our trusty portable phone chargers!

You can read about some other things we take in my post 10 Things to take Geocaching.

Geocaches are found everywhere, and can be found in any weather. We’ve yet to hunt in snow but have covered every other type of weather). But most of all it is great fun for all the family.

The Joy of Finding a Cache.
The Joy of Finding a Cache.

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What is Geocaching? - a guide to the basicis of geocaching, a fun, outdoors, hobby for all the family to enjoy.
What is Geocaching?
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