2015 Views From an Urban Lake Targets
I thought I would set myself some real targets for 2015, these are from a wildlife watching point of view, a photographic point of view and in some cases a personal point of view.
The idea is to create a list of targets that I can aim at over the course of the year, not all of them will involve the local patch (as great as Manor Farm can be it just doesn’t have some of the species I’d like to see and photograph). I’ll try and remember to add links to this post as and when I actually achieve a target (although my memory does slip sometimes so I may forget).
2015 Views From an Urban Lake Targets
I’ve come up with ten different targets and I’m just going to list the items in bullet points rather than anything more fancy.
Complete my Dragonflies of Milton Keynes project, I still have a few species to photograph (although I think apart from the one rare migrant I’ve seen them all now). Species needed are: Small Red-eyed Damselfly, Brown Hawker and Emerald Damselfly. – I think all three occur on my patch (although never seen Emerald there).
Photograph a wild Fox – The fox is a species I’ve always wanted to photograph, yet have never quite managed (well any way).
Add to my Butterflies of Milton Keynes project, I still have a huge distance to go on this one, but I’m sure I should be able to add a few more species this year (I’m really looking forward to Summer now).
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See and Photograph a Wasp spider, these spiders are wonderful looking creatures and one of the few spiders I’ve always wanted to see. – Completed
See and photograph a Fly Agaric, this is one of those iconic toadstools, the sort you’d expect to see an elf sitting on, the red with white spotted type. It is a species I’ve always wanted to see, and photograph, so maybe 2015 will be the year.
Visit Minsmere with the kids, I love the flagship RSPB reserve, I even volunteered there once for a week when I was 16, and I’d love to take my kids to see the place. This obviously involves driving which is also a goal of mine for 2015 (not one for here though).
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Photograph boxing wild Hare. I’d love to capture these magnificent little creatures as they fight it out in early spring (well more like late winter), just to witness it is a pleasure so capturing the event would be a dream come true.
Visit Skomer or the Farnes and photograph the Puffins, we all love these comical cute and colourful birds, and I’d love to visit Skomer (or re-visit the Farnes) and capture a few photos of these iconic sea birds.
Photograph an Owl on my patch! I’ve heard Tawny Owls, Seen and Heard Little Owls, and have been told Barn Owls have been seen there (there is even the outside chance of a long eared or short eared owl turning up) but I would love to photograph on around Manor Farm. Completed.
Find an Otter. I once saw an otter at Leighton Moss RSPB reserve, it was many years ago and was amazing, I know there are some near by to me now (I’ve even heard that the fish population at a lake in Wolverton Mill was dramatically reduced by an otter) but I would love to see one in the wild in Milton Keynes. If I managed a photo or video I would be in heaven!
So there we are my 10 2015 Views From an Urban Lake Targets, do you have any? If so I’d love to hear them.
One of my favourite photos of 2014 will I better it in 2015? |
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