Misty Sunrise in the Ouse Valley

Misty Sunrise in the Ouse Valley
Misty Sunrise in the Ouse Valley

A heavy, early morning, mist clung to the cattle fields, Holy Trinity church rose like a sentinel from within its clutches, a dark beacon above the ethereal shroud, As I stood patiently watching and waiting for the thin sliver of orange to spread its tendrils across the dawn skies. My plan, since getting out of bed at 5 AM was to photograph the Misty Sunrise in the Ouse Valley.

Misty Sunrise in the Ouse Valley

Sunrise came, and went, and the thin strip of orange, never expanded much beyond that early morning haze. My goal of a beautiful sunrise emerging from behind the old church was dashed pretty quickly, so I moved on. Leaving the lowing cattle, and bleating sheep behind I headed into the Old Lock area, and away under the Grand Union canal.

Holy Trinity over the Hedge
Holy Trinity over the Hedge
Holy Trinity Church in Old Wolverton, across misty fields.
Holy Trinity Church in Old Wolverton, across misty fields.

Emerging from the cattle creep the world exploded into a that of a golden, misty sunrise in the Ouse valley. The early morning sun casting her warming, brilliant rays across the waters of the floodplain forest. The bright shafts of light, cutting through the mists to sparkle from the myriad of spiders webs, cast haphazardly through the scrubby wild flowers. Created blooms, where the flowers will soon spring up.

Spiders Web in the sun
Spiders Web in the sun

Sunshine through the Mist

Making my way down river the bright sunshine was doing its best to burn off the morning mists, but what remained presented a wonderful, if tricky, photographic opportunity.

Strange shadows cast by the sun shining through trees, created some spectacular scenes. Bright pools of light reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy world. One might have expected to see elves dancing in the dappled light.

Sunshine through the trees
Sunshine through the trees
Golden Trees
Golden Trees

As my walk continued along the River Ouse, the brilliant sunshine continued. And to make up for the disappointment of the sunrise, the mist clung on to create ever more picturesque scenes.

Sounds of Summer

All around me the warblers were singing their summer songs. The almost constant accompanying sound of Whitethroats and Sedge Warblers were joined by the odd Chiffchaff calling their names from the tops of high trees. Willow Warblers let out their tumbling tunes, while Blackcap “chacked” away deep in the scrub. A Cuckoo, the same one as earlier in the week, called away, as it flew it flew around the reserve, a wonderful sound of this wonderful bird, sadly in desperate decline.

Above the reserve Common Tern screeched through the air, as they swooped and dived looking for fish. Great Spotted Woodpecker drummed on hollow trees, sending their echoing, mating sound out across the valley. Phesants crowed at each other, leaping to battle in a mess of feathers before proudly stalking away. It was a wonderful felt a wonderful summers day (I know technically spring still).

Pheasants post battle
Pheasants post battle


Misty River

The Misty Sunrise in the Ouse Valley continued, although the sun was now much higher into the sky. Still the golden light continued. And as swarms of flying insects began to proliferate the skies, the mists still clung doggedly to the waters.

Misty River
Misty River
Morning on the River Ouse
Morning on the River Ouse

Finally the mists began to fully clear as I wandered back through the nature reserve. The sun was bright and harsh over my shoulder, and the temperature was beginning to creep way up.

From preparing for a misty sunrise in the Ouse Valley to walking home in the boiling sun, my clothes had gone from not quite warm enough to too damn hot. I love this time of year.

Other Photos
Iron Trunk Aqueduct
Iron Trunk Aqueduct
Cock Pheasant in the morning dew
Cock Pheasant in the morning dew
Teasels in the sun
Teasels in the sun
Green Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
Mist in the Ouse Valley
Mist in the Ouse Valley
Looks like a post apocalyptic landscape
Looks like a post apocalyptic landscape
Kestrel near nest
Kestrel near nest
Surrounded by trees (Kestrel)
Surrounded by trees (Kestrel)
Ouse Valley Park path
Ouse Valley Park path
River Ouse in mist
River Ouse in mist

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