Half an Hour in the Garden

Pink Flower - Half an Hour in the Garden
Half an Hour in the Garden

With a sore back and other things to do today, I wasn’t able to manage a patch walk (and now won’t until Wednesday due to working nights for 5 nights, man this is going to be tough!). But I decided instead to spend half an hour wandering the garden. That makes it sound huge, it isn’t its a small suburban garden, wandering was a bit of an exaggeration. Looking at the bugs; hoverflies; and what ever else turned up. And I have to say it was rather pleasant, with the sun beating down and the insects out in force.

The One That Got Away

I’m going to start with a disappointment, I spotted in the garden a jewel wasp (these are the small green and red wasps that are tiny), but unfortunately I didn’t manage to get a photo, and it disappeared off into the mass of weeds pretty quickly, but I was really happy to see what is arguably one of the prettiest wasps in the world.

Unknown Beetle - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Unknown Beetle – Great Holm, Milton Keynes

Half an Hour in the Garden

I was lucky enough to see at least 3 species of hoverfly; Xanthogramma Pedissequum and a Sphaerophoria sp (see below) the 3rd was small and I didn’t get a photo, but it is a common one whose name currently escapes me, as well as a couple of flies (green Bottle & another), some bees (Tree Bumblebee mainly) and a spider (again no ID) as well as the above unidentified beetle (presume some kind of flower beetle).
Sphaerophoria Sp. (same as below) - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Sphaerophoria Sp. (same as below) – Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Sphaerophoria Sp. (Full species ID appreciated) - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Sphaerophoria Sp. (Full species ID appreciated) – Great Holm, Milton Keynes


Xanthogramma Pedissequum - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Xanthogramma Pedissequum – Great Holm, Milton Keynes


Green Bottle sp? - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Green Bottle sp? – Great Holm, Milton Keynes


FLy sp? - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
FLy sp? – Great Holm, Milton Keynes


Spider sp? - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Spider sp? – Great Holm, Milton Keynes

An Unexpected Moth or Two

Presumably having come in when the moth trap was on last night I spotted two moths in the garden, a Willow Beauty (my first of the year as it goes) and a stunning Buff Arches.

Willow Beauty - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Willow Beauty – Great Holm, Milton Keynes


Buff Arches - Great Holm, Milton Keynes
Buff Arches – Great Holm, Milton Keynes

It all just goes to show that a quick look in the garden can produce some wonderful species, you just have to get down and dirty with them.

Please feel free to leave me a comment. I really appreciate the interaction and will reply as soon as I can.

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