Supporting WWF Earth Hour
Saturday night is the WWF’s Earth Hour. A single hour set for once a year when people, business organisations and just about anyone and everyone are encouraged to switch off their non-essential lights.
Supporting WWF Earth Hour
The idea is a symbolic one to make people accountable for the ecological footprint, it is not designed to save carbon etc and this effect is not measured (although I think it must save some and reduce some light pollution). Although I could waffle on and give you all the details you would be better visiting the WWF’s page (linked above) or the Wikipedia page for far more than I could write
What will I be doing?
I’m working a night-shift so I will be switching off the lights in my office, let’s hope I don’t get in trouble, although I am pretty sure my organisation will be fine with it). And I’ll be encouraging my family at home to try it as well.
What can you do?
Sign up for it. Tweet about it (use the hash-tag #bebrilliant) to raise awareness. Blog about it. Shout about it. Do what you can.
It is time we all took responsibility for or energy wastage (I know I try). So remember to switch things off you are not using or don’t need on. Hey maybe even turn off the TV/internet and just enjoy the company around you.
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One Comment
Very odd turning the lights off at work. Earth Hour supported though 🙂