February Review
And so another month has been and gone, I can’t believe we are already into March now! So it is time for another round up of the month just gone, and as with January it was a good month for species but a poor month for weather, let’s hope March is better (it already seems spring is about to burst onto the scenes so that is good.
February Review
I had a target of adding 5 new species for the year (maybe more if my luck was in) but it seems the rain and especially the wind were against me, although I did manage to add a large flock of Greylag geese (the biggest count for the site, over in flight), A single Siskin and a number of Tufted Ducks (up to 4) birds like Skylark still elude me. Total for the month was 52 species with three new for the year taking me up to 63 for the year
February Review Full list:
Great Crested grebe |
Little Grebe |
Grey Heron |
Little Egret |
Cormorant |
Mute Swan |
Canada Goose |
Greylag goose |
Mallard |
Tufted Duck |
Sparrowhawk |
Common Buzzard |
Coot |
Moorhen |
Black Headed Gull |
Common Gull |
Herring Gull |
Lesser Black-Backed Gull |
Wood Pigeon |
Collard Dove |
Stock Dove |
Feral Pigeon |
Kingfisher |
Green Woodpecker |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
Pied Wagtail |
Grey Wagtail |
Wren |
Dunnock |
European Robin |
Redwing |
Song Thrush |
Fieldfare |
Blackbird |
Goldcrest |
Great Tit |
Blue Tit |
Coal Tit |
Long-tailed tit |
Treecreeper |
Magpie |
Jay |
Jackdaw |
Carrion Crow |
Starling |
House Sparrow |
Chaffinch |
Goldfinch |
Greenfinch |
Bullfinch |
Siskin |
Reed Bunting |
February Review Photographic Highlights
Eurasian Robin |
Black-billed Magpie |
Great-Crested Grebe |
Sparrowhawk |
Great-crested Grebes searching for rival |
Mute Swans, mirroring |
Tufted Duck group |
Male Tufted Duck |
Tufted Ducks in flight |
Robin in song |
March Targets
And so to my March targets (let’s see if I can actually achieve a few more of these). On a personal note I’m still hoping to find a new home (My patch may have to change if I do), and I have the first anniversary of my sister’s death approaching fast (17th Feb) so that will be a hard time for all the family. But on a plus side spring seems to be in the air, the plants are starting to come into bloom and there are migrants already making their way through.
Target Birds
My first aim is still Skylark, if the wind dies down and the sun comes out this MUST be on the cards, I hope Redpoll also falls or I will be waiting till autumn movements start, and I’d hate to wait that long, other than these I am really hoping for a migrant or two, early birds Like Chiffchaff has to be the first I am likely to come across and there is the outside chance of a Garganey (4 pairs have been seen on the lake once) they are already coming through, 4 already through Bucks.
Photographic Targets
Well I guess the same 3 I had before still remain, but I’d quite like to target a few more passerines. I’m also hoping that there will be a number of insects making their way back into the world (I will have my moth trap out this month, if not sooner!) so I can get back down to some macro photography, a genre I love.
So, there you have it February’s review down, and now on to March.
Please feel free to leave me a comment, I really appreciate the interaction and will reply as soon as I can.
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