The Kids go on a Bug Hunt

The Kids go on a Bug Hunt
The Kids go on a Bug Hunt

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, you’ll see why in a future post, but today we decided we would head out on a bug hunt with the two youngest (Toby and Bo) Owen wanted to stay in bed, the joy of teenagers! Anyway we decided to make it morning as there was rain due in the afternoon and the hunt was a little hijacked by going to the Pirate Park in Loughton as part of the walk, but here is our sorry tale.

The Kids go on a Bug Hunt

Prior to heading out for the bug hunt we had to make a minor detour, so I used the opportunity while we waited to take a couple of snaps of the kids (always nice models if not always willing!).

Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love


Bo Laughing
Bo Laughing


Toby Squinting
Toby Squinting

The Park

Before we could start our hunt proper we did have to stop at the Pirate Park by Loughton Sports and Social club. The kids can’t resist the excitement of rope climbing and messing about in the sand, and who am I to stand in their way. The park had quite a few kids already there so I kept the camera in my bag, I don’t like accidentally snapping other peoples kids, a) because of horror stories I’ve heard of other parents not being happy and b) you never know what kids might be at risk if you were to accidentally publish the photo somewhere.

Anyway we all had a bit of fun before the four of us (Me, Zoe, Bo and Toby) headed into the bushes for the bug hunt.

The Hunt

This is our first bug hunt of the summer holidays and if I’m honest it wasn’t the most productive of trips out. In fact we found no true bugs, and no beetles. We did spot a few day flying moths (a couple of Yellow Shells and loads of Horse Chestnut Leaf Miners), and a few hoverflies, wasps and bees but that was pretty much all.

The images below are all we found:
The only bug we found (no name sorry) - Loughton, Milton Keynes
The only bug we found (no name sorry) – Loughton, Milton Keynes


Hoverfly sp - Loughton, Milton Keynes
Hoverfly sp – Loughton, Milton Keynes


Hoverfly or wasp? - Loughton, Milton Keynes
Hoverfly or wasp? – Loughton, Milton Keynes


Flesh Fly - Loughton, Milton Keynes
Flesh Fly – Loughton, Milton Keynes


Spider sp? - Loughton, Milton Keynes
Spider sp? – Loughton, Milton Keynes


Wasp - Loughton, Milton Keynes
Wasp – Loughton, Milton Keynes

Collard Dove

While on our walk we spotted a probably injured Collard Dove, I couldn’t see what was wrong and he wouldn’t allow us to get quite close enough to pick him up and check but the poor chap couldn’t fly far and wasn’t happy walking.

Collared Dove - Loughton, Milton Keynes
Collared Dove – Loughton, Milton Keynes

Anyway that concludes the bug hunt this time, hopefully next time will be a lot more successful.

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